Salesforce CPQ & Billing
Do you have complex product configurations, recurring subscriptions or product bundling? Are your sales representatives still using a word processor to generate your quotes? Does your organization have ten direct and/or in-direct salespeople?
If so, it’s time to consider Salesforce CPQ & Billing solution. C-P-Q stands for Configuration, Pricing, and Quoting. The Salesforce CPQ package replaces your existing Salesforce quote process with logic and guidance to empower your salespeople to quickly configure complex proposals. The CPQ process will standardize your organization quotes, descriptions, and pricing with centralized document control.
Give your sales reps the ability to create preconfigured or customized bundles of products. You can also add requirements and limitations when selecting multiple products. Provide guidance to your sales reps enable them to generate the correct products options in minutes not hours.
- Standardization to your discounts
- Create multi-dimensional quoting (quoting the same product with different quantities discounts),
- Configure annual or evergreen subscriptions,
- Track product assets
- Generate branded attractive proposal documents with integrated marketing material